Tuesday, July 22, 2008

VBS = Very Busy Schedule

We are having fun in God's Big Backyard every night this week at Vacation Bible School. My friend Jill & I are in charge of games again and having a ball as usual. We know from experience that we will be brain-fried by mid-week and that we will accomplish nothing but VBS this week, but it is so worth it. On the left here is Jill-Bug giving game instructions last night. She was a ladybug & I was a bee. On the right are some kids playing "Exterminator" and trying to get plastic bugs out of the pool using their monkey-toes. FUN!!

VBS Spoiler Alert: tonight we are going to be ketchup & mustard :) I'll try to remember to get someone to take our picture, as I was disappointed that I forgot to get one last night.

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