Friday, April 17, 2009

Working the Room

Yesterday afternoon we received one of those automated phone calls from our new Congressman, John Boccieri. He was going to be at the local grocery store this afternoon and invited us to come meet him. So as not to appear rude, we accepted the invitation.

Now it just so happens that our neighbor, Jim, is the manager of said grocery store. So, when the wait for Congressman Boccieri's arrival extended beyond O's patience this afternoon, he headed over to ask Jim if he knew what the hold up was. Well, then they got to talking politics, and next thing you know O is chatting up Boccieri's advance-man, Ray. By the time I wander over to find out what happened to my kid, the three of them are old friends. Ray is telling O the story of how he got into politics and is encouraging him to get to know more of his elected officials. "Ray," I'm thinking, "don't encourage him!!!" Then Ray informs me that O will be the first person to shake Representative Boccieri's hand when he arrives. So, maybe Ray isn't so bad afterall.

Right on cue, Boccieri walks through the sliding grocery store doors and up to Ray, who introduces him to O as I scramble for my camera. They chatted for a few minutes, about our having heard Boccieri stump when we skipped school to see Obama speak, about O's love of American government, and about Boccieri's third grader. Yadda, yadda, yadda....

And as Boccieri is signing an autograph for O, Ray says, "You know, O here wants to be a Congressman someday, too." To which O replies, "No, I want to be President!"

So there, Ray.